
YouTube - Hitler's got the wrong bike.

YouTube - Hitler's got the wrong bike. Closed captioning NSFW. I know this has been making the rounds, but just in case you haven't seen it.


Soup :: Interview: American Honda's Ray Blank :: 04-24-2008

Soup :: Interview: American Honda's Ray Blank :: 04-24-2008: "coming to that table and paying for that seat, paying for the opportunity to contribute, and then walking into the room the next day and finding out that not only was your chair gone, but the door was locked. Nobody was very interested in even letting you know why this had happened. And then the next thing, hearing that 'here's how the world is going to be'."

Rossi lookalike comes clean - Local News - Cairns, QLD, Australia

Rossi lookalike comes clean - Local News - Cairns, QLD, Australia


Dezeen » Blog Archive » NE apartment by Yuji Nakae, Akiyoshi Takagi and Hirofumi Ohno

Dezeen » Blog Archive » NE apartment by Yuji Nakae, Akiyoshi Takagi and Hirofumi Ohno: "This 8-unit rental apartment house complex was designed to house motorcycle enthusiasts, with a built-in garage included in every unit."

Bikers Can Rest Their Harley-Davidson Motorcycles At More Than 1,000 Best Western Hotels In The U.S. And Canada

Bikers Can Rest Their Harley-Davidson Motorcycles At More Than 1,000 Best Western Hotels In The U.S. And Canada: "offering motorcycle riders wipe-down towels at check in and access to a wash station at no additional cost . In addition, some properties offer designated parking, tar remover, sunscreen and lip balm"


Bonhams - Sale Items

Bonhams - Sale Items: "Important Pioneer, Vintage and Collectors' Motorcycles and Related Memorabilia" Includes Gary Nixon & Mike Hailwood helmets.


Richards: Middle East Pivotal to Motor Sport’s Future

Richards: Middle East Pivotal to Motor Sport’s Future: "This area of the world is looking at motor sport as a proper sustainable business plan and we should all pay attention."