
Metro Crash May Exemplify Paradox of Human-Machine Interaction - washingtonpost.com: "making automated systems safer leads to a paradox at the heart of all human-machine interactions: 'The better you make the automation, the more difficult it is to guard against these catastrophic failures in the future, because the automation becomes more and more powerful, and you rely on it more and more.' ...the manner in which machines provide feedback is important. When they are 'polite' -- waiting until a human operator has responded to one issue before interrupting with another, for example -- improved human-machine relationships produce measurable safety improvements that rival technological leaps."


Front page news - newsjournalonline.com

Front page news - newsjournalonline.com NASCAR fighting to keep sponsors, fans and dollars coming in



donorcycles6-10-09.pdf (application/pdf Object)

donorcycles6-10-09.pdf (application/pdf Object) "organ donations due to motor vehicle accidents increase by 10 percent when states repeal helmet laws"


Steve McQueen's Rolex sells for $234,000

Steve McQueen's Rolex sells for $234,000: "the actor's Scott Super Squirrel motorcycle painted by Von Dutch, which sold for $276,000, double its estimate"

ONLINE - International News Network

ONLINE - International News Network The beginning.


Key inspection looming for Donington Park -

Key inspection looming for Donington Park - Friday inspection to determine if WSBK & Motogp will race there.